Paper shopping bag

we know retailers

What better way to show you understand the minds of retailers?
tell their stories.









Macerich, an S&P 500 company, is one of the country’s leading owners, operators and developers of major retail real estate. Macerich currently owns 52 million square feet of real estate consisting primarily of interests in 48 regional shopping centers. Macerich specializes in successful retail properties in many of the country’s most attractive, densely populated markets with significant presence in the Pacific Rim, Arizona, Chicago and the Metro New York to Washington, DC corridor.

Scottsdale Fashion Square exterior
Scottsdale Fashion Square, Scottsdale, AZ
Macerich wanted to create a better understanding of their relationship with their retailers and asked Panzano to create a national campaign that would show how Macerich was committed to the success of their most important partners.
The intent was to take these international brands and give them a human face. They weren’t just impersonal brands, but real people, and Macerich, by extension was in their personal orbit. That’s how well they knew their retailers.
Apple store exterior
New Apple Flagship at Scottsdale Fashion Square
Tysons Corner Center entrance
Tysons Corner Center. Tysons Corner, VA
Shinola at Tysons Corner Center. Photo: John Robinson
Santa Monica Place, Santa Monica, CA

Telling personal stories of legendary entrepreneurs in order to get across a larger brand message.

Panzano determined that the best way to show we understand the minds and needs of retailers was to prove we actually knew the retailers. We created a series of ads that featured Entrepreneurs, CEOs, and visionaries. We told their story, and not the story of Macerich. Through a series of interviews and portrait sessions, we created an ad campaign that delved into the personalities and unique characteristics of who each people was as a person, not as a business leader.


Allow the retailers to be the heroes of their own stories and show a human face.

brand positioning

In an industry that is often viewed as adversarial, we showed partnership.

We know retailers

What better message to send to retailers that Macerich understood them.

Macerich Magazine ad
Two-Page Spread Magazine Print Ad
Macerich Magazine ad
Two-Page Spread Magazine Print Ad

brands that matter.